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Mgahinga National Park is perched on the Southwestern tip of Uganda. The park is a popular destination in the region attracting nature lovers from all corners of the world. It is part of the magnificent Virunga mountains and spans 3 of the eight volcanoes. Mgahinga National Park is comprised of mountains Gahinga, Muhabura, and Sabyinyo. The mountains form breathtaking views visitors get while in the park.

A brief history of Mgahinga National Park.

Mgahinga National Park was established in 1991. The area had for long enough been a game reserve dating from the early 1930s to 1950s. Due to the skyrocketing human population, part of its land was converted into crop fields. The neighbors of the game reserve kept encroaching on the land until the government stepped in.

Certainly, to improve tourism activities, the reserve was turned into a national park in 1991. This therefore saw the relocation of masses in the surroundings to ensure that the animals have enough play area.

Furthermore, in 2013, the reserve was a hiding ground for the M23 assailants – a ruthless Congolese rebel group. These paralyzed tourism activities in the reserve for a long time as it was impossible to enjoy in their presence. The Congolese army however fought and defeated them.

Tourism activities in the park have since then been improving due to the peace in the region. Mgahinga National Park is not only a tourism destination but also a research ground. Over the years, several research groups have conducted studies in the park. Their studies are usually about primates, birds, and magnificent volcanoes.

Location of Mgahinga National Park.

You certainly must be wondering where this beautiful place is found. Worry no more because we’ve got your back! Mgahinga lies on an area of approximately 33.9 square kilometers in the Southwest of Uganda. It is located in Kisoro district at the border of Uganda and Rwanda in the magnificent Virunga massif.

Uniqueness and Main Attractions of Mgahinga National Park.

Mgahinga National Park is unique in an amazing way. The park is home to some of the most sought-after primates in the world. It is home to the most endangered species of gorillas that is to say the mountain gorillas.

Mgahinga is the only national park in Uganda that hosts golden monkeys. These combined with the towering volcanoes make it an absolute gem of exploration. Every nature enthusiast needs to visit Mgahinga National Park. It is not just a conservation area but also a dream come true destination for explorers!

Activities done in Mgahinga National Park.

Mgahinga’s endowment with sensational natural beauty brings about various opportunities. Local businessmen have made the place even more exciting by creating activities to elevate the experiences of travelers. The activities include;

Gorilla trekking. This stands out as the most popular activity carried out in the park. Mgahinga hosts one gorilla family known as Nyakagezi. Nyakagezi as a fully habituated gorilla family comprisines of 9 members. Visitors to the park enjoy watching the mountain gorillas living their lives in the jungle. They learn more about their habits ranging from feeding, mating, protection, and sleeping.

Golden monkey trekking. This is yet another exciting activity carried out in the magnificent Mgahinga National Park. Rangers and guides conduct the activity since they understand the ins and outs of the outback. They take travelers through the lush forests and tell them interesting facts about their lives as they observe.

Volcano climbing. Mgahinga National Park encompasses 3 volcanoes of the 8 in the massif. Travelers to the park get to explore the volcanoes by hiking to the summits. At the summit, the guests marvel at the breathtaking views of the volcanoes teaming up with the skies. These are good moments for photography and videography.

Cave exploration. In the deep ends of Mgahinga, there lies the iconic Garama caves. These have an interesting history associated with them that gets travelers excited. The informative guides equip the travelers with information. This makes the visits to the park even more rewarding.

Nature walks. Visitors make their way through the moist, intact, and evergreen vegetation as they feel the relaxing breeze of the forests. Nature walks are exciting and satisfying to travelers because they help reconnect with nature. Travelers not only traverse through the park but also appreciate the therapeutic sounds of nature alongside animal sightings.

Batwa trail experiences. The Batwa people are an indigenous tribe in the southwest of Uganda. They inhabit the forests in the surroundings of the park. They are famous for their unusual way of life. The Batwa people coexist with various primates in the forests of Mgahinga National Park.

They are another form of attraction in the park because they excite travelers. They conduct performances that exceed the expectations of visitors showcasing their cultures and traditions. It can never be a boring trip with the visits to the Batwa homesteads.

Birding. Bird-watching safaris too are conducted in Mgahinga. Travellers to the park therefore encounter primates but also beautiful bird species. They are seen in tree canopies, in the wetlands – as they feed, and in the thickets. All it takes is to be quiet and observant, you will surely see more. One can view birds such as cape robin-chat, speckled mousebirds, moorland chats, dusky crimson wings, and turacos. Endeavor to carry a binocular with you to see more and a camera to capture the spectacular moments.

What’s the most appropriate time to visit Mgahinga National Park?

Uganda is crossed by the equator, thus it experiences a different kind of climate compared to other countries. Uganda has 2 seasons in a year that is to say the dry and wet seasons. They occur at different intervals in a year. The dry seasons are the most favorable times to visit Mgahinga National Park.

They allow the traveler to explore with no hardships. Therefore, one traverses through the forests, and hilly terrain with no hassle since the grounds are steady.

Additionally, the dry seasons are of two types based on their duration of occurrence. Firstly, there is the long dry season that runs from early June to late September. Secondly, the short dry season usually occurs from December all through to early March.

However, guests need to know that the dry seasons are not the only times to travel to the park. They can also travel in the wet season. Each season provides different experiences. Certainly, the park is not always congested in the wet season. Therefore one can explore Mgahinga to the fullest with no interruptions

How to get to Mgahinga National Park.

Mgahinga is easy to access for travelers. It is accessed by not only road but also air transport. Flying guests board from Kajjansi Airstrip or Entebbe International Airport to Kisoro Airstrip in the South of the country.

Road transport users travel along the Kampala-Mbarara-Kisoro road to access the park. This accounts for a distance of about 497.2 kilometers. Others can travel from Kigali, Rwanda to the park passing through the Katuna border post. This accounts for about 134 kilometer distance.

Therefore, for a great experience in Mgahinga national park, please SEND INQUIRY or send us an email on or reach us directly at  +256 393 247 137 / +256 742 678 918.

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