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A Guide to Lake Mburo National Park: Activities, Attractions, and Accessibility for All Adventurers.

Situated in the west of Uganda, lake Mburo National Park is one of the amazing wonders of nature there’s in East Africa. The park is made up of absolutely amazing landscapes, covered with serene forests, and lush savannahs. These host some of the most vibrant species of wildlife endemic to the East African region ranging from African wild cats, and huge buffaloes to birds. A visit to Lake Mburo National Park is more like stepping into a whole new world of wonder and awe.

A brief history of Lake Mburo National Park.  

The area where the serene Lake Mburo National Park lies was first gazetted as a controlled hunting ground in 1933. This was a calculated move by the British colonial government to ensure that there was harmony between the locals and the wildlife species. Lake Mburo areas were settled by the Banyankole Bahima pastoralists. They traditionally herded cattle and certainly had much love for the area due to its green pastures. They surely competed for grazing fields with the animals and on some occasions, there were clashes.

In 1963, the newly initiated Ugandan government upgraded it to national park status. President Apollo Milton Obote saw the urgent need to conserve the wildlife species in the park. Their numbers gradually decreased due to terror from human beings.

It was however unfortunate that the locals did not listen to the cry of government and instead continued to graze in the reserve. The situation became so ridiculous that the Western conservationists had to call them invaders. This prompted the conservation bodies to request help from the government to again wipe out these Herders. However, this was a deliberate move by the government to weaken the Banyakole society.

In 1983, the Obote government decided to upgrade the reserve to a national park. This was to add security to it and also beat the anti-Obote rebels who were disguising themselves as cattle keepers. This became the famous era of Operation Bonanza. The government did not compensate the locals for their displacement. This prompted them to remain hostile to the upgrade.

The Obote government later collapsed in 1985, this prompted the previous occupants to draw closer to the park. They expelled staff, destroyed infrastructure, and killed wildlife until half of the park’s land was later gazetted by the new government. This registered success in conservation since there are minimal rates of human-wildlife conflicts in the region.

Location and accessibility of Lake Mburo National Park.  

Lake Mburo National Park lies in the west of Kampala, the capital of Uganda. The park spans an area of approximately 260 square kilometers in Nyabushozi county in Kiruhura district. Lake Mburo lies about 30 kilometers to the east of Mbarara town, the biggest town near it. Lake Mburo National Park lies along the Kampala-Mbarara Highway. Therefore, travelers to the park can easily access it.

Uniqueness and the main attractions of Lake Mburo National Park.

Lake Mburo National Park stands out differently from the rest of the parks in the country due to the various stunning attractions it is has. The park has stunning savannah grasslands, majestic landscapes, serene forests, and an abundant pool of vibrant wildlife. It is the nearest savannah park to Kampala, the country’s capital. This not only makes it easy to access but also a perfect getaway to reconnect with nature in its purity.

A visit to Lake Mburo National Park is further unique in the sense that it exposes the visitors to the cultural norms and values of Ugandan society. Travelers to the park get the opportunity to explore the local farms in the community and participate in their exciting day-to-day activities. It offers experiences on an African cattle ranch. A blend of such with wildlife encounters is nothing but a satisfying trip.

Activities carried out in Lake Mburo National Park.

Game drives. Game drives are some of the most exciting activities to indulge in when at Lake Mburo National Park. They are conducted by experienced tour guides and rangers. These not only share information about the animals but also ensure full-time protection of the guests. Travelers on the game drives observe African buffaloes, zebras, leopards, and beautiful bird species.

Boat cruises. These are launched on the magnificent lake Mburo after which the park is named. They are carried out in the state-of-the-art equipment that ensures uninterrupted game viewing. Travelers enjoy the sights of wonderful bird species and other wildlife as they cruise on the lake.

Horseback riding. Travelers to the park get the golden opportunity to watch the wildlife in the park while on horse rides. Rangers take travellers through the interior of the park ensuring that they are secure. There is never a dull moment in Lake Mburo National Park since there is an activity that suits everyone.

Bird watching. Lake Mburo National Park has some of the highest number of bird species in the country. Guests to the park get the chance to marvel at the beautiful birds in the wetlands. The wetlands are breeding and feeding grounds for birds. Visitors view birds such as African fish eagles, great blue turacos, piapias, African jacanas, African darters, and the most sought-after shoebill stork.

Nature walks. Nature walks in the park take the traveler through the captivating lush savannahs and serene forests. Travelers get the opportunity to escape the noise of the bustling cities and listen to the therapeutic sounds of nature. This reconnection with nature makes the trips to the park even more rewarding. 

Sportfishing. It is one of the exciting activities carried out on the magnificent Lake Mburo. Travelers to the park cruise on the lake in search of the Ugandan fish delicacies. However, it is important to note that sport fishing is only done on a catch-and-release basis. It is never for food.

Bicycle tours. Travelers also get to explore the beauty of the park by riding through the diverse array of landscapes. They are exhilarating! As you pedal through the park, you’ll feel the cool breeze on your face and the thrill of exploring the stunning landscapes. You might even spot some wildlife along the way, like zebras, and antelopes. It is surely an adventure you won’t forget!

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