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Chimpanzees are a species of the great ape endemic to the forests and savannahs of tropical Africa. They are exciting animals to witness in various tropical rainforests, especially in the East and Central parts of the continent. Chimpanzees have four confirmed species and another proposed by researchers.

Chimpanzees portray a high form of intelligence and it is surely important to note that they are one of the closely related species to humans genetically. They share up to 94% of the human DNA. Their communal way of life is similar to that of the human extended families further proves that. Chimpanzees live in families of about 15 to 150 individuals sharing various responsibilities among themselves, especially in times of feeding, migration, and upbringing of young ones.

Chimpanzees are a bit larger primates as compared to their closely related fellows, especially the bonobos. They can grow up to a maximum weight of about 40 to 70 kilograms among males and about 27 to 50 kilograms in females. They are also relatively taller standing at an average height of 4 feet among the fully grown adults.


Chimpanzees inhabit the tropical rainforests in the parts of Central and East Africa, especially in Uganda and Rwanda.  Uganda alone has several habitats of Chimpanzees though the most popular is Kibale Forest National Park – The Primate Capital of the World. Other places to find chimpanzees in Uganda include Kyambura Gorge, Kalinzu Forest on the outskirts of Queen Elizabeth National Park, and Budongo Forest which is adjacent to Murchison Falls National Park.

In Rwanda, chimpanzees are seen in Nyungwe National Park in large numbers and that’s where they can be trekked. However, there are also smaller sightings in the Gishwati Mukura forests.


First things first, it is advisable to get in touch with tour operators to get information about which chimpanzee families are fully habituated and available for trekking. The habituated chimpanzees are familiar with seeing and appreciate the presence of human beings in their habitat. The habituated chimpanzees can never attack a guest in the forest unless provoked.

Do not use flash photography when up close with the chimpanzees. The flashes on the cameras signal danger to the chimpanzees and they may attack in the sense of defending themselves and young ones.

Travelers should endeavor to visit chimpanzee habitats under the guidance of ranger guides. This is because the rangers have information about the location and moving patterns of the habituated chimpanzees in the forests.

Guests are advised not to eat in the presence of the chimpanzees or even feed them. This is because they may bite you or even take your gift aggressively and cause harm to your body.

Visitors should endeavor to observe a distance of about 7 meters away from the chimpanzees to avoid attacks. Chimpanzees see getting closer to them as confronting them for a fight which could force them to defend themselves. So they may easily attack an innocent traveler just for being too close. In a nutshell, if the above tips are followed, one can traverse the rainforests peacefully and encounter the chimpanzees.


The best time to go for a chimpanzee trek and get up-close encounters with them is during the dry seasons. The dry seasons allow the traveler to traverse through the forests with ease. This is because the low rainfall amounts leave the grounds steady unlike in the rainy seasons when they are slippery.

Esteemed travelers, for an exciting trip to trek and get up-close with the chimpanzees in their natural habitats, SEND INQUIRY . Or contact us directly at  +256 393 247 137 / +256 742 678 918 or email us at

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