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Mount Elgon National Park is one of the hidden natural wonders in the pearl of Africa. The park has an exceptional collection of unique beautiful flora and fauna species. These never cease to get travelers from all corners of the world excited and in awe. The park is named after Mount Elgon, one of the high elevations on the continent. From the lush vegetation on the slopes of the Mountain to the rare wildlife species to the large caldera, the park surely is an adventurous place.

A brief history of Mount Elgon National Park.

Over the past centuries, Uganda has embarked on the mission to conserve its beautiful natural endowments. It is in the same spirit that the officials also designated the beautiful Mount Elgon National Park. However, it was not a national park from the beginning . It certainly was a gradual process. In 1929, the Forest Department assumed control over the forests on the slopes of the mountain.

The forest had its borders demarcated between 1936 to 1937. This helped keep the locals in the know of the free land for them and where they have trespassed. This move was undermined by the locals and in the following year – 1940, the forest was gazetted as a Crown Forest. This helped increase its security and the wildlife within.

In 1951, the forest was again gazetted as Mount Elgon Central Forest Reserve. This helped the authorities to establish the present-day boundaries of the park though it sparked several conflicts from the society. Some of the locals had no option other than staying within the boundaries of the park.

The government of Uganda later issued a forestry policy to emphasize the effective management of the forest. The forests had the potential to boost the economy and also improve on other environmental aspects. Mount Elgon was upgraded to a national park in 1992

Location of Mount Elgon National Park.     

Mount Elgon National Park lies at the border of Uganda and Kenya. The park seats on an area of approximately 1279 square kilometers. It extends up to about 1110 square kilometers on the Ugandan side and the rest part is in Kenya. The park is an important boundary demarcation in the region. It is a catchment of various rivers and streams especially the Nzoia River which flows to Lake Victoria. Mount Elgon National Park extends to about 4 districts in the east of Uganda i.e. Kapchortwa, Mbale, Bududa, and Sironko.

Uniqueness and the major attractions of Mount Elgon National Park.       

Mount Elgon National Park is one of the most beautiful destinations not only in Uganda but the world at large. The park encompasses the world’s largest caldera. Travelers flock to the park to come and indulge in photography, videography, and sightseeing at the site.

The park is further different in a way that is has unique vegetation and wildlife. These include the Elgon olive tree cedars, pilawood cassipourea malosana, and the lush orchids. The park also hosts tiny primates in its forests for instance the de brazza’s monkey, vervet monkeys, black and white colobus monkeys, red-tailed monkeys, and the tree squirrels.

Activities done in Mount Elgon National Park.  

Agro tourism. This exhilarating activity entails visits to the neighboring communities and walks through the nature trails and plantations. These help the travelers to get insights into the ways of life of the local people and their cuisine. Guests on these tours explore the coffee plantations in the region.

Rock climbing. This is indeed an adventurous activity. The fact that is carried out in an area with beautiful sceneries further makes it more satisfying. Travelers undertake the challenge to the summit of the magnificent Mount Elgon. While at the summit, travelers are exposed to the views of the caldera. These make the destination ideal for photography which the guests enjoy.

Sportfishing. Mount Elgon National Park’s caldera is one of the most favorable places in the country to do sport fishing. The activity allows the travelers to catch and have a look at the fish species of the water bodies in the region. Sport fishing in Mount Elgon National Park allows the traveler to view fish species, especially the Nile perch.

Mountain biking. During this activity, travelers are accompanied by the rangers of the park through the diverse landscapes of the park. This is yet another adventurous experience to have in the park. riding through the lush forests as you feel the natural cool breeze is an experience every nature enthusiast would wish for.

Cave exploration. Mountain Elgon National Park has several caves on the bases of the mountain. Visitors to the park enjoy exploring these along with the rangers who provide the information about them. The caves have interesting folklore and history associated with them that get most visitors excited. The caves have a spiritual connection to the local people. Visits to the caves give you insights into the African Traditional Society.

Bird watching. Due to its favorable vegetation, the park hosts a handful of bird species for instance the marabou stork, bar-tailed trogons, saddle-billed storks, black bee eaters, and African darters. The birds are seen up close in the trees where they live and feed all day. All it takes is being quiet and patient, you will certainly see more of the natural wonders.

Waterfall exploration. Mount Elgon has various waterfalls along the rivers that flow through its curvatures. From the iconic Sipi Falls to the Chebonet Falls, the park is surely an ideal destination for waterfall activities. Guests enjoy bungee jumping at the falls, abseiling, zip lining through the forests as they view the falls and photography. These exhilarating activities help the traveler to get the most out of their safaris.

In summary, Ibuth Safaris organizes several trips to Mount Elgon. Just SEND INQUIRY or reach us directly at +256 393 247 137 / +256 742 678 918.

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